Each of the up to 12 light effects have been assigned 20 DMX channels in the preceding step (e.g. light
effect 1 = DMX-channel 1-20, light effect 2 = DMX-channel 21-40, etc.).
• Select the desired light effect with the buttons SCANNERS (1).
• Then influence the individual DMX channels with the channel faders (18).
For light effect 1, the channel fader 1 influences the DMX channel 1.
Channel fader 2 influences the DMX channel 2, etc.
The joystick PAN/TILT (13) influences DMX channel 9 when it is moved horizontally and DMX channel 10
when moved vertically.
• To influence the DMX channels 11-20, the PAGE SELECT A/B (19) button must be pressed, so that the
LED B above the PAGE SELECT A/B (19) button lights up.
When both LEDs A and B are lit, the respective DMX channels (e.g. 2 and 12) are influenced at the same
• To influence the DMX channels of another light effect, push the corresponding button SCANNERS (1). I.e.
when the button SCANNERS 3 is pushed, the DMX channels 41-60 are influenced.
Free DMX channel assignment
In the basic setting of the DMX controller, the channel faders (18) and the joystick PAN/TILT (13) now influ-
ence the 20 available DMX channels per light effect as they are indicated at the channel faders (18) or the
joystick PAN/TILT (13).
If, however, you want to change this DMX channel assignment e.g. to control the movements of a moving
head via the joystick PAN/TILT (13), the DMX channels must be assigned accordingly.
To do so proceed as follows:
• Press the FINE (15) and MODE (14) buttons at once twice until the ASSIGN LED below the display (6)
lights up.
• Select the desired light effect with the respective SCANNERS (1) button.
• First use the FADE TIME (16) fader to select the desired channel of the DMX controller that is to control
the corresponding function of the light effect. The channel is indicated on the display (6).
• Then use the SPEED fader (17) to select the light control device DMX channel to be assigned. The chan-
nel is indicated on the display (6).
• Push the button MIDI/REC (5) to save the settings.
• Repeat the operating steps for all other channels that are to be newly assigned and save the settings
with MIDI/REC (5).
• Repeat the process for all light effects the DMX channel assignment of which you want to change.
• Finally, push the FINE (15) and MODE (14) buttons at the same time to leave the settings.
Set the desired DMX controller channel first with the FADE TIME (16) fader when selecting chan-
nels, because it might otherwise be changed again when setting the effect light channel with the
SPEED (17) fader.