4.5 Accepting the request for monitors
Accepting the monitors is used to prevent an unauthorised operator from operating monitors that are not within
his duties.
4.5.1 Default sett ing
The default setting allows control of all monitors, erasing any previously defined setting.
4.5.2 Modifying t he list
The procedure for accepting and disabling the monitors is the same as that just described for the cameras (see
§ 4.4 - Accepting requests for cameras, page 12).
Usually 99 monitors can be selected from the keyboard.
4.6 Accepting the request for multiplexers
Accepting the multiplexers is used to prevent an unauthorised operator from operating multiplexers that are not
within his duties.
4.6.1 Default sett ing
The default setting allows control of all multiplexers, erasing any previously defined setting.
4.6.2 Modifying t he list
The procedure for accepting and disabling the multiplexers is the same as that just described for the cameras
(see § 4.4 - Accepting requests for cameras, page 12).
Usually 39 multiplexers can be selected from the keyboard.
4.7 Accepting requests for functions
Each operator can be enabled (or not) to carry out specific operations from the keyboard.
These are divided into groups of functions and are:
: enabling camera selection with the
break in the automatic sequence it may be necessary to disable them if this likelihood is to prevented.
: enabling monitor change; if an operator has a single monitor, this can be frozen so that it
cannot be changed any more.
: enabling video device (switcher or matrix) setup; even if enabled this can be subject to
insertion of a password
: enabling reset of video device alarms; if enabled this can also be subject to a password
4.8 Buzzer
The keyboard is equipped with a buzzer for acoustic signals when abnormal situations occur.
The buzzer can be enabled to:
• recognise video device (switcher or matrix) alarm status
• recognise a break in communications with the video device
• give a small warning click when a key is pressed.
It should be noted that alarm status and breaks in communication are only available for some of the video
devices available for connection: SM42A, SM82A, SM84A, SM164A, SW164OSM, SW328.
keys; since these keys are able to cause a
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