9.5.10 Greasing the vehicle
Replacing brushes
Two brushes are installed in the device which should be
replaced when they become worn.
One brush is replaced from the left-hand side and the
other from the right-hand side. The procedure is the
Adjusting the sweeping level (brush contact pressure)
Risk of functional disturbances. Do not let the V-belts get
in contact with the grease.
Grease the grease nipples in accordance with the
maintenance intervals using a grease gun.
Use high quality multi-purpose grease and use grease
gun to lubricate.
Clean the roller brush retainers before inserting the
new brushes.
The brushes are inserted in the reverse sequence.
The sweeping level should be between 5-6 cm.
The adjustment of the sweeping level (brush contact pres-
sure) is set with the rotary potentiometer in the control panel.
Rotate the potentiometer to the right until the lowering
brushes exhibit the correct sweeping level (brush con-
tact pressure).
Is the sweeping level too large, rotate the potentiometer