[15] FREQUENCY - MHz: Digital frequency meter display. Numerical display in
MHz of frequency tuned.
When the LCD display shows two points (:) steadily, it means power level of
NiCd batteries is too low; recharge batteries at once. In this case, the included
AL-11 power adapter must be used.
[16] MEASURING INSTRUMENT: Four dBµV (green) and two (blue) scales are
provided, to be used in TV or SAT bands respectively. Colour agrees with the
one of band indications at the panel.
Numeric indications is available in all attenuation values with indications at the
left side.
[17] ZERO: Instrument mechanical zero setting [16].
4.2 External units power supply
4.2.1 SAT Band
For measurements in satellite receiving systems, LNB located in the receiving
parabolic antenna focus should be powered. This power supply is provided by the
MC-360B by means of two operating modes, as follows:
External power supply of the lnb. Connect the MC-360B in series with that line
linking the LNB together with the SAT TV receiver or the SMATV head (master
aerial), as explained in figure 3.
In this configuration, position EXT of the LNB voltage selector [7] must be set;
the SAT TV receiver (home or master) will supply current to the LNB.
Internal power supply of the LNB. The MC-360B is able to provide the required
current to supply the LNB. In this case, user may select, from the panel, three
voltage supplies, by pressing keys 13, 15 or 18 V of the voltage selector at the
front panel [7]. Both double band LNB and biasing switched LNB may be power
supplied, through a supply voltage changeover.
Figure 3.- LNB EXT power supply.