Use a short test section to measure how long your locomotive's braking distance will be with
a given value set in CV52. Start with the default value in CV52.
Enable the constant braking distance function (this requires setting Bit 2 in CV51. If this bit is
not set, the decoder will use the speed-dependent braking delay).
Accelerate your locomotive until it has reached average speed.
At a chosen point in time, set the running notch to 0. This requires moving the turning-knob of
the manual controls LH30, LH90 or the compact to the left limit-stop; if you are using the
LH100, keep pressing the key until the running notch is set to 0 or until the locomotive
address is displayed (if using the LH100, do not press key
specific emergency stop (Nothalt) and the delays in the locomotive decoder will not be
Measure the covered braking distance.
Increase or decrease the value in CV61, e.g. in steps of 10, and carry out another
measurement. You will thus create a table which will show the braking distances in relation to
the values set in CV61.
Important advice:
The constant braking distance is only effective if the running notch is altered to 0. If the running
notch is decreased from e.g. 28 to 10, the speed-dependent delay from CV4 becomes effective.
While the shunting speed is switched off (default setting F3), the constant braking distance is
disabled and the delay from CV4 becomes effective.
The constant braking distance is also disabled if the delays set in the decoder are disabled by
means of the corresponding function.
! This results in a locomotive-