Image Page, OSM Page, Audio Page, PIP Page
These functions are the same as they are in video mode.
TV modes:
System Page
Antenna / Cable Select TV connection type [AIR TV/CATV (FCC)/CATV (IRC)/CATC (HRC)]
Channel Search Automatically stores available channels in TV mode.
Channel Edit
Favorite Edit
Fine Tuning
Clear Memory
Image Page , OSM Page , Audio Page , Setup Page , Parent Page , PIP Page
These functions are the same as they are in video mode.
DTV modes:
System Page
DTV Setting
Select YES / NO. When YES is selected the following options appear.
Channel Setup
Using the following item to setup the DTV channels
Auto Scan
Manual Scan
CC (Close Captioning)
Subtitle setup for DTV
Font Size
Font Style
Font Color
Font Opacity
Edge Style
Edge Color
(Item selection should be corresponding to country or location)
Manually add or remove channels from TV mode.
Set up to 4 favorite channels for remote control
Manually fine tune channels from TV mode.
Clear TV settings which are stored in the memory.
Manually add or remove channels from DTV mode.
Automatically stores available channels in DTV mode.
Manually setup available channels in DTV mode.
There are three font sizes (Default, Small, Large)
There are seven styles of fonts (Style 1 to Style 7)
There are eight font colors to choose from (Black, White, Red, Green, Blue, Yellow,
Magenta, Cyan) in background or foreground.
There are four levels of font opacity. (Solid, Transparent, Translucent, Flashing) in
background or foreground.
There are five styles of Edge (None, Raised, Depressed, Uniform, Drop Shadow)
in background or foreground.
There are eight Edge colors to choose from (Black, White, Red, Green, Blue, Yel-
low, Magenta, Cyan) in background or foreground.