23. Refer to Log and Ember Placement in your Installation Instructions and Owner's Manual to place logs onto burner
24. The fireplace must be checked to ensure it is operating at the correct pressure of 3.5" w.c.
25. Replace glass frame onto firebox.
26. Secure the two glass frame spring clamps at bottom of firebox.
27. Align the tabs on top louver brackets with slots in front posts to secure top louver.
28. Close bottom louver. Lift slightly to engage the end tabs into the slots in fireplace sides to close bottom louver.
29. Gas conversion is completed.
The main burner flame and pilot burner flame must be checked for proper flame characteristics, as outlined in the
Installation Instructions and Ownerʼs Manual.
Verifying Input Rate of Converted Fireplace
The input of the fireplace must be checked as follows:
1. Turn off all other gas appliances. Clock the gas meter and determine the number of seconds required to consume
one cubic foot of gas.
2. 3600 ÷ time (in seconds) = cu. Ft. per hour.
3. Then cu. Ft. per hour x heating value of gas = input rate (Btuh). On installation without gas meters, check manifold
for proper pressure.
If fireplace is not installed or warranty card has not been returned to Empire Comfort Systems, Inc., check off type of gas
converted to on card. Also, indicate conversion by adding "Conv." behind type of gas.
Empire Comfort Systems Inc. • Belleville, IL
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