sysTEm CaPabiliTiEs
sysTEm CaPabiliTiEs
Hitch Climber Systems have been certified by TÜV Austria to perform to the following criteria
when new:
Static Strength of Configured System (Doubled Rope)
Withstand a static request of 23 kN for three
minutes. Anchor bollard Ø 25 mm. Karabiner con-
nection to Ø 12 mm. This test meets or exceeds
the static strength requirements of many Europe-
an and US industrial standards.
Dynamic Strength of Configured System (Doubled Rope)
Withstand a dynamic request comprising a
2500 mm drop with 100 kg via a Ø 12 mm
2000 mm three strand polyamide lanyard with a
75 mm spliced eye at each end. This test follows
the philosophy of parts of EN795.
Withstand a dynamic request comprising a
600 mm drop with 285 kg via a Ø 12 mm
2000 mm three strand polyamide lanyard with a
75 mm spliced eye at each end. This test follows
the philosophy of parts of EN341.
Grab Function of Configured System (Single Rope)
Hold 4 kN five times in succession using a
test speed of 100 mm/min. Move the rope clamp
to a new section of rope between each applica-
tion of force. No part of the system shall show any
signs of permanent deformation that would affect
its function, and the anchor line shall not show any
signs of tearing or breaking. Maximum slippage of
25 mm per test. This test follows the philosophy
of parts of EN567.
Braided Safety Blue™
Braided Safety Blue™
Braided Safety Blue™
Braided Safety Blue™