warninG & safety Precautions
Read the following points prior to setting up your kite
z Kite boarding is an extreme sport and can be dangerous.
z When using this product, always behave with extreme caution.
z Improper use can lead to serious injuries or death.
z Use this product only when physically fit.
z Never handle it irresponsibly (uncontrollable jumps or not using a safety release system)
z You are responsible for your own safety as well as the safety of the people around you.
z If you are under 18, these warnings and instructions must be read by your parent(s) or a legal guardian(s). This kite should only be used under the closest of instruc-
tion and supervision.
z Use of this product puts the user at numerous unpreventable and unexpected risks and dangers.
z Do not use the kite while under the influence of alcohol, drugs or medications.
important safety rules
z If this product is designed for use on water, do not use it as a flotation device. Always wear a CE approved life vest if you use this product near water.
z Never allow anybody to use this product who is not sufficiently competent to handle it.
z Never leave your kite unattended. An unattended kite is an extreme hazard to any person in the area.
z When using this product, always wear appropriate safety equipment such as a helmet, gloves and safety glasses.
z Always use a high-grade kite-specific harness.
z Become very familiar with the kites' safety systems by testing them in non-risky situations.
z Never use this HQ kite or another HQ kite for jumps, flights (paragliding) or jumps above ground. When jumping, the risk of serious injuries, paralysis or death are
significantly increased.
z Always inspect your material for wear damages prior to kiting. Defective parts must be replaced immediately.
warninG & safety Precautions
choose safe weather conditions
z When learning to fly this kite, do not use in wind strengths greater than 3 Bft..
z Never use the product in winds above its wind range.
z Never use this product during thunderstorms.
z Only use this product if you can hold yourself in a safe standing position.
z Use this product only when your abilities match the conditions.
z Never use this product during offshore wind conditions if the product being used was not developed for water use.
choose a safe location
z Always follow local ordinances and regulations when using this product.
z Never use this product near power lines, telephone poles, trees, streets, vehicles, or airports.
z Never attempt to free a kite from an electrical line.
z Only use the kite if you have 100 meters of open space in the direction of the wind and on both sides of your starting position.
z The kites' power can pull it from you unexpectedly and with great force.
z Do not fly the kite over other people or animals. Onlookers should be on the windward side from you.
z Never set up the kite on crowded beaches or fields.
z Do not use the kite near water if you cannot swim or if you are not in good physical condition.
z Practice starting and landing techniques and self-rescue methods before using the kite near water.
handle flying lines carefully
z Never touch the flying lines while the kite is in use. When flying lines are under tension, they are extremely dangerous and can cause serious injuries or death.
z Never use worn lines. A breaking line can cause serious injuries or death.
z Always check the lines for knots. Knots dramatically reduce the stability of the lines.
z If lines are tangled, stay clear off them until the kite is safely on the ground. An unsecured kite can start up on its own and pose a serious risk.
z Make absolutely certain that neither you nor anybody else is between the control bar and the kite when the kite is in use.