58 TTT
TTT in this case stands for 001 to 999 seconds. If 000 is set, the relay contacts remain activated
until the user password for the "Aux Out" relay contacts is entered again (=Toggle Mode).
9.6.2 Setting activation mode for "Aux Out" relay contacts (6)
The factory setting is for the "Aux Out" relay contacts (6) to be activated by the password for the
"Aux Out" relay contacts (6).
You can however activate the relay contacts in different ways. For this purpose, this code lock
offers you convenient options to specify an activation mode.
Enter the following key combination in programming mode to assign the desired activation mode:
57 C
C in this case stands for the desired mode type.
Mode types:
C = 0
No function
C = 1
allows door monitoring (*)
C = 2
allows the triggering of the "Aux Out" relay contacts in the case of incorrect entry of a
user password or the Master Code
C = 3
allows the triggering of the "Aux Out" relay contacts via the " " button.
C = 4
allows the triggering of the "Aux Out" relay contacts via the sabotage contact.
C = 5
allows extended door monitoring (**)
C = 6
allows the triggering of the "Aux Out" relay contacts as soon as the "Lock Out" relay
contacts are activated.
C = 7
allows the triggering of the "Aux Out" relay contacts via the assigned password.
(*) monitoring
Behavioural mode: At entry of the user password this triggers the "Lock Out" relay contacts (1).
If the magnet contact is opened the "Aux Out" relay contacts (6) are triggered. If the sensor
attached to the "Egress" outlet (4) is activated, this triggers the "Lock Out" relay contacts (1).
(**) extended door monitoring
Behavioural mode: At entry of the user password this triggers the "Lock Out" (1) and "Aux Out"
(6) relay contacts. The "green" LED (B) flashes when the magnet contact is open. If the sensor
attached to the "Egress" outlet (4) is activated, this triggers the "Lock Out" and "Aux Out" (6)
relay contacts.