11.1 general troubleshooting
Smoke enters the
Cold air blockage in
room during start-up
Closed doors.
Bypass closed.
Kindling does not
Cold air blockage in
start - fi re smolders.
Not enough starter paper.
Not enough air.
Bypass closed.
Smoke enters the
Insuffi cient draft.
room while re-
Bypass closed.
Appliance does not
Wood is wet.
burn hot enough.
Insuffi cient draft.
Air control is not wide
Catalyst not operating at
optimal temperature
Blower does not run.
Appliance is not up to
Electricity is cut to the
Door is ajar.
Faceplate is cold.
This is normal.
Appliance does not
The doors are not
burn overnight.
Bypass open / not
Sluggish stove
Combustor is plugged.
Burning materials that
produce a lot of char and
fl y ash.
Burning unseasoned, wet
wood or large quantities
of small wood while
engaging the catalyst and
operating temperatures
are not met.
Burn a piece of newspaper to establish a draft.
If the fl ame is not getting enough air, fi rst make sure the air control is
open. If additional air is needed, open the doors a small crack only.
Open bypass.
Burn a piece of newspaper to establish a draft.
Use additional newspaper, if necessary.
First make sure the air control is fully open. If additional air is needed,
a small crack in the doors is all that is needed.
Open bypass.
Chimney height and outside conditions can negatively affect draft. In
these cases, a small amount of smoke may enter the home. Adding
more pipe or a draft-inducing cap may help.
Clean chimney.
Open bypass.
See "selecting wood" section.
Chimney height and outside conditions can negatively affect draft. In
these cases, a small amount of smoke may enter the home. Adding
more pipe or a draft-inducing cap may help.
Clean chimney.
Make sure the air control is open all the way. Slide the control back
and forth rapidly to ensure the control is not stuck.
See catalyst troubleshooting section.
This is normal. The blower will come on when the appliance is heated
up enough to heat the room.
Check the household breaker or fuse to make sure it is operable.
Appliance door must be closed for blower to operate.
The air leading into the fi replace could come from the exterior. In
these cases, this air comes into the fi rebox and exits the chimney.
This will not damage the appliance.
See "door glass / gasket replacement" section.
Close bypass.
Check gasket.
Replace combustor.
Remove the used material and replace with a quality air-dried
seasoned wood.
Remove the unseasoned wet or small quantities of small wood and
replace with quality air-dried seasoned wood. Check with moisture
meter to ensure wood has maximum 20% moisture content.
11.0 troubleshooting
test solution
W415-1761 / B / 12.21.18