(Device shows the difference between the highest and the lowest temperature measured
during the measurement in the bottom of the display)
(Device shows the average value of the last infrared temperature measurement in the top
of the display. AVG = Average)
(Storage function)
Select the desired function with the "
Press the measuring button to confirm your changes, or press the "MODE" button to move on to
the next setting option.
Bargraph display
The bargraph display is located at the top of the display, showing the current reading in relation to the
MIN/MAX values in a graphical format. The left end represents the MIN value of the current measuring
process, the right end the MAX value.
The MIN value is 0 ºC and the MAX value +100 ºC. The current reading is +50 ºC. In this case, the
bargraph deflects into the middle of the display.
LOG storage function
The device is able to save up to 100 measured values.
Press the measuring button to switch on the measuring device.
Press the "MODE" key until one of the MAX/MIN/DIF/AFG/LOG symbols flashes in the display.
Press the "
▲" or "▼" buttons until the LOG symbol flashes in the display.
Confirm your input with the measuring button.
Using the buttons "
infrared temperature reading to, then press the button "▼" once to show the previous memory
location on the display.
Carry out an IR temperature measurement. After the measurement, the measured temperature
is displayed. Press the button for backlight and laser to save the measured temperature at the
selected memory position. The temperature value is saved in the selected memory position.
Example: If you want to save a reading to memory location 005, select memory location
004. Make the measurement and press the button for backlight and laser. The reading
will be saved to memory location 005.
Proceed as described above, to store other values.
To retrieve the saved temperature values, use the "
you want to read. The saved temperature value is shown in the bottom part of the display.
If all memory positions are used, you may overwrite any memory position as desired.
▲" or "▼" buttons.
▲" or "▼", select a memory location (001 – 100) where you want to save the
▲" or "▼" buttons to select the memory position