To exit the light atmosphere and switch off the load, use input 1.
It is possible to simultaneously retrieve the light atmospheres of
different light circuits via the 1-button mode. To this end, connect
terminals 1 and 2 of the dimmers that control the relevant light
circuits. See fig. 3.
After a power failure the load is switched off.
There can max. 30 (non-lit) N.O. contacts (170-00000) be
connected in parallel. The max. distance is 100m.
Mode 4: 2-button mode
In 2-button mode, input 1 (terminals 1 and 3) and input 2 (terminals
1 and 2) together function as a 2-button dimmer. See fig.2.
Memory function:
Same as for Mode 3: 1-button mode.
With memory
Briefly press input 1: the load is switched off.
Press input 1 long: dimming down
Briefly press input 2: the load is switched on at previous level.
Press input 2 long: dimming up
When dimming up: dimmer stops at max. value.
When dimming down: dimmer stops at min. value.
Without memory
Briefly press input 2: the load is switched on at max. value.
The other operations are identical to those 'with memory'.
After a power failure, the load is switched off.