XI - Faults and anomalies: check list
The heat pump does not power up (display blank)
Check the following:
• that the heat pump circuit breaker has not been tripped
• that electrical connections (in the extension lead, at the fuse box, etc.) have not become loose
• in the case of a tri-phase heat pump, that the phases have not been inverted
The heat pump is powered up (the display is lit up), but nothing happens on start up
o Is the word Flow ! displayed on the screen?
o The machine is in its delayed start phase (compressor blinking)
o Has the set point been set correctly? Value entered correctly...
The heat pump starts but the circuit breaker is tripped immediately.
o The magneto-thermal or differential circuit breaker protecting the heat pump is not a curve D circuit
o The total amperage experienced by the house or plant room circuit breaker exceeds its maximum
o The rating of the thermal protection on the heat pump line could be too low
o Is the house located at the end of an EDF line? If it is, a significant drop in voltage on start up could
explain this phenomenon...
The heat pump runs but does not heat the water adequately
o Make sure that the water is being heated correctly in the heat pump (Delta T of 1.5°C for a HC-HH 62,
up to 3.5 - 4°C for a HC-HH 172) :
• In the event that the heat pump is heating the water correctly, heat loss from the pool could be too high
(cool nights, pool not covered with an isothermal cover, etc.)
• The heat pump is undersized compared to the volume of water to be heated
o The heat pump is not slaved to filtration, and the length of the daily filtration cycles programmed with
the timer is insufficient,
o The connection between the IC 121 regulator and the timer is defective: the filtration system is not
slaved to the heat pump
o Check that the set point is correct (refer to the manual)
o The circulation of air across the evaporator is impeded:
• Check that the minimum distances between the heat pump and the nearest walls/obstacles have been
• Check that the evaporator is not clogged by moss, dust , pollen, etc.
The heat pump is not defrosting correctly
o Is the thermodynamic defrosting cycle launched? An audible noise, a change in the compressor revs
and melting (partial) of the frost
o The bottom of the evaporator remains iced over: condensates do not drain away.
• The heat pump does not lean slightly towards the condensate drainage hole.
• The condensate drainage hole is blocked.
An unusual code is displayed on the control panel screen (ALL, ST, CF, SD, ES, CO, FA, Ar, DF, AL,
You have accessed the regulator programming mode.
To exit this mode, press SET and s simultaneously
2009/01 - Indice de révision : C - Code : 0033385