VIII.1- List of alarms and possible causes
The "flow !" alarm = water flow rate is too low
o The by-pass valves were interfered with and the water flow rate was decreased
o The condenser is blocked (water circuit)
o The water pressure has dropped (dirt accumulated in the pump pre-filter or in the skimmer basket, sand
in the sand filter clogged, air being taken in at the pump aspiration, pump unprimed, etc.)
o The vane in the flow regulator valve is broken, or the flow regulator valve is defective.
High pressure alarm (H) = the pressure in the HP half loop is too high
If this alarm is tripped regularly, it could be that:
• The pool water has become so hot that the current water flow rate is not sufficient to adequately cool the
heat transfer fluid
o One of the by-pass valves has been interfered with and the flow rate reduced
o Dirt has accumulated at the pool water circuit in the condenser obstructing, and thus decreasing, the
flow of water
• Water pressure has dropped (dirt accumulated in the pre-filter, clogged sand filter, etc.)
o The expansion chamber is dirty of defective
Actions : increase the flow rate in the by-pass, check that the filter and pre-filter are clean, check
the flow rate at the return fittings in the pool.
If after checking the above the alarm continues to be triggered, contact a professional.
Low pressure alarm (L): if the pressure is too low, the machine will shut down and the letter L will be displayed on the
If this alarm is tripped regularly, it could be that:
o The volume of heat transfer fluid in the system is too low (probable leak)
o The evaporator is clogged
o The fan is not on
Action: if the alarm persists, call a professional.
VIII.2- Error log and resetting alarms
Alarms that are triggered are stored by the regulator. To access the error log and reset one or more alarms,
do the following:
• Press the menu key (M) : "Alrm" appears
• Press SET: the code of the last alarm is displayed in yellow; if the alarm can be reset, RST blinks red on
the upper line
• Press SET again: the alarm is cancelled and the machine restarts if other alarms are not active (2
minutes after stopping)
• To exit, press M or wait 15 seconds
2009/01 - Indice de révision : C - Code : 0033385