Start up
The main menu for adjusting the Multronic can be accessed through operating the ↑-
key in the measuring mask.
Main menu
Select configuration through placing the cursor onto the selected function and operate
the ENTER key.
Configuration menu
Select module configuration through placing the cursor onto the selected item and
operate the ENTER key.
Configuration module
(not available at
Multronic OC!)
The redox measuring module that is to be configured can now be selected. To do so,
move the cursor onto the corresponding selected item and operate the ENTER key.
The adjustment of the redox module configuration is carried out on two pages.
Redox module
configuration page 1
The temperature unit function is used to select the temperature unit.
Value range: Celsius / Fahrenheit
The type of controller can be selected with the control device function.
Value range: Signalling device / 2-pt. PID / 2-pt. fuzzy / 2-pt. aFUZa / 2-pt. aFUZs / 3-
pt. PID / 3-pt. fuzzy / 3-pt. aFUZa / 3-pt. aFUZs
The settings aFUZa and aFUZs relate to adaptive fuzzy controllers that independently
adapt themselves to the control process. aFUZa is an asymptotic fuzzy controller
without overshoots. aFUZs attains the nominal value with a quick algorithm while
accepting overshoots.
Redox Measuring Module
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Rev.: 06-07/10