Test And Calibration - Tecno Control TS255CN2 Manuel D'utilisation

Table des Matières


: both electrochemical cells contain a small quantity of acid. It is possible that either a very strong
mechanical action or an incorrect instrument use beyond the limits of its operational functioning could provoke a
liquid leak out of the sensor. Should this event occurs, please avoid touching the come out liquid. Should a contact
with either the skin or eyes occur, wash immediately and abundantly with water.
The electrochemical cells employed have a good resistance towards products such as sprays, detergents,
ammonia, glues and paints. However, in case of products containing substances in great quantity, these could
interfere with the Sensors and cause false alarms. We recommend ventilating the room when products like these
are used. Alcohols, Hydrogen and volatile organic solvents in great quantity cause false alarms, and then the cells
needs one or more hours in clean air to recover the normal sensitivity conditions.


PAY ATTENTION: This procedure has to be made with attention by authorized and trained people; starting this
procedure it will increase mA Outputs causing the activation of connected alarm devices to the Gas Central Unit.
, Z
functions is necessary to insert the relevant "Code" through the keys F1 and F2. The two buttons are touching
sensitive, to enable the procedure, touch the key with the tip of a finger. To have the key pressure recognized, hold
pressing it for around a second (until the Green LED doesn't switch off for a moment with one Buzzer beep for F1 and two Buzzer
beeps for F2). Then the next key can be pressed. Then buzzer beeps along to confirm the validity of the inserted
code. In case of error, it is enough to wait around 10 seconds, and the sequence, signalled by three Beeps, will be
automatically erased. The Calibration Check is a function code free.
, S
CO in Nitrogen and 30ppm NO
valve or the high pressure ones with reduction gear. Is also necessary the Tecnocontrol TC011 calibration kit made
of Teflon, to ensure that the gas reaches the NO
Teflon tubes or other compatible materials which do not disperse the gas.
test of the equipment. After having put the system in safety and inserted the "Code Test", all LED are switched off.
Then they will switch on in sequence, the LED, from the yellow up to the red. The two outputs 4÷20mA remain
unchanged. At the end all the LED will remain lighted for around 5 seconds, then the central returns at the
conditions of normal operation. It is advisable to perform this operation every 6-12 months according to the use.
Note: this function is not working if one or both the red LEDs have already turned on
"ZERO ADJUST" (Zero Code:
and can be done in clean air only (environment without the presence of toxic gas or other pollutants). Immediately after having
inserted the "Zero Code", as a confirmation of the operation carried out there will be 1 flash of the two red LED and
both the outputs will become 4.0 mA. We suggest performing this operation after the installation or after the change
of the cartridge and periodically based on the environmental conditions.
Note: This function is not working if mA output is more than 4.8 mA (15 ppm CO) or 6.6mA (5 ppm NO
and/or one or both red LED are already been switched on. In this case, it will be necessary to recalibrate
the unit and/or replacing the corresponding "Cartridge"
"CALIBRATION" this function allows to completely recalibrating the sensors, everyone with their own code and
gas as explained up in the box.
Warning: to guarantee that no errors of elaboration happen, the possibility exists that during the Calibration the
corresponding yellow LED switch off every 8 seconds, in this case interrupt the procedure, switch off and switch on
the instrument and repeat the Calibration. If condition persists it will be necessary to send the detector to the supplier
for the reparation.
Important note: During Calibration routine the mA output indicates 0mA. The "Calibration" can be done in clean air only
(environment without the presence of toxic or other polluting gas). With the keys perform the respective "Calibration Code ".
The Calibration Code for the Sensor 1 (placed on the housing) to CO gas is: _
The Calibration Code for the Sensor 2 (located below) to NO
Wait until the respective Yellow and Green LED switch on fix and the red LED starts to flash. Insert the TC011 into
the respective sensor holder to regulate the influx of the gas the way that the flow meter indicates around 0.3 l/min
for S1-CO and 1 l/min for S2-NO
SWITCHED ON), press the key F2 on the instrument and hold it pressed until the Red LED is switched off for at least
2 seconds and the Buzzer beeps along (if the Red LED continue to flash, repeat the operation). Then, close the gas cylinder
and remove TC011. At this point we can have two possibilities:
Yellow and Green LED illuminates: the calibration routine has correctly been performed. Wait 8 seconds, until
the instrument automatically restores the normal working conditions. (see "Operational Description > Preheating").
Yellow LED illuminates: the routine has faiLED. In this case, wait 8 seconds, until the instrument automatically
repeat Preheating, then repeat the "Calibration" routine without inserting again the code. If condition still persists after
the replacement of the "Cartridge", it will be necessary to send the detector back to the manufacturer for reparation.
"CALIBRATION CHECKS" (no Code required): this operation allows affecting a real functional test of the
equipment with gas after the "Calibration" routine, or after the installation. The "Calibration Check" routine should be
TECNOCONTROL S.r.l. Via Miglioli 47 SEGRATE ( MI )
Istruzione / User's Manual / Manuel d'utilisation
: this detector is designed to detect CO and NO
(for Calibration Check and Calibration) please, only using two mixture 300ppm
in Air. It is possible to use either the disposable one litre cylinders with adjust
F2, F1, F1, F2
): This function is used to manually adjust the Zero of both sensors
Fig.3). Wait around 3 minutes, then when the red LED switch on (and while it's
: are different code protected functions. To access these
sensor and is imperative the use of steel reduction gear and
F2, F2, F1, F1
): this function allows to effect a functional
gas is: ________
Tel. +39 02 26922890 - Fax +39 02 2133734
at a very low concentration.
F2, F2, F2, F1, F2, F1
F2, F1, F1, F1, F2, F1


Table des Matières

Table des Matières