Dear Valued Customer: Thank you for choosing a Barracuda Backup appliance. Please contact technical support if you have any questions or need help. Barracuda’s on a mission to protect and support our customers for life, so we’re here for you 24x7.
Table of Contents English Italiano Sicurezza Setup Garanzia Support Security Türk Warranty Güvenlik Deutsch Garanti Sicherheit 日本語 Garantie セキュリティ 保証 Español Seguridad 中文 Garantía 安全 Français 保修 Sécurité Garantie...
Create a User, follow the account creation instructions, and log in. 2. Click Backup in the left pane, and go to Admin > Activate Barracuda Backup. 3. Enter the Serial Number and Linking Code from the sticker on the back of this guide, and click Next.
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Display Group to which to add the device from the drop-down menu. 6. Select the Time Zone where the device will be physically located: Note: If you have a Barracuda Cloud or AWS subscription, the Encryption page displays Select from the available options as described in step 8, otherwise, continue with step 9 to complete your activation.
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Barracuda Backup 5121-5129* Replicate data to Barracuda Cloud Storage *Barracuda Backup uses these ports to securely transfer data over the Internet to the offsite storage location. Contact Barracuda Technical Support ( to restrict outbound network traffic on these ports to only reach Barracuda Networks.
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The Barracuda Backup appliance you have just installed, powered on, and linked, should now be listed in the left pane with a green status icon to the left of the appliance name. If the Barracuda Backup appliance icon is green, continue to Step 6: Secure Barracuda Backup Access.
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Configure Backup Sources 1. Log into the Barracuda Backup appliance. 2. For Linux and Windows data sources, install the Barracuda Backup Agent available on the System > Software Downloads page. 3. Go to Backup > Sources and click Add a Computer.
Create Data Retention Policies Specify how long to keep backups by creating data retention policies: 1. Go to Backup > Retention Policies and click Add a Retention Policy. 2. In the Add a Retention Policy page, enter a name to identify the policy.
Electrical Safety Follow these basic electrical safety precautions to protect yourself from harm and to protect the appliance from damage: • Be aware of the power switch locations on the appliance chassis, the emergency power-off switch for the housing room, the disconnection switch, and the electrical outlet. This awareness allows quick removal of electrical power from the system should an electrical accident occur.
Export Compliance Barracuda is committed to complying fully with U.S. government and host country government laws and regulations, including export and import laws. Any person or entity exporting or re-exporting Barracuda Networks products directly or indirectly and via any means, including electronic transfer, is wholly responsible for doing so in accordance with the U.S.
Sicherheit im Umgang mit Elektrizität Befolgen Sie diese grundlegenden Regeln zur elektrischen Sicherheit, um sich selbst und das Gerät vor Schaden zu bewahren: • Merken Sie sich die Orte, an denen sich der Ein-/Aus-Schalter am Gerätegehäuse, der Notfall-Ausschalter des Serverraums, der Trennschalter und die Steckdose befinden. Diese Kenntnisse ermöglichen Ihnen das rasche Abschalten des Stroms bei einem Elektrizitätsunfall.
Exportkonformität Barracuda bekennt sich zur vollen Übereinstimmung mit den Gesetzen und Bestimmungen der Regierung der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika und des Importlandes, inklusive der gesetzlichen Export- und Importbestimmungen. Jede natürliche oder juristische Person, die Produkte von Barracuda Networks auf welche Art auch immer, inklusive elektronischer Methoden, exportiert oder re-exportiert, ist vollumfänglich...
Seguridad Eléctrica Sigue estas medidas básicas sobre seguridad eléctrica para protegerte y proteger el dispositivo de cualquier daño: • Presta atención a la ubicación de los interruptores de alimentación en el bastidor del dispositivo, al interruptor de parada de emergencia del compartimiento de la carcasa, al interruptor de desconexión y a la toma de corriente.
Patentes de los Estados Unidos Este producto de Barracuda está protegido por una o más de las siguientes patentes de los Estados Unidos: 9,021,017 8,559,450 8,122,493 7,861,300 7,093,287 8,849,836 8,558,888 8,069,244 7,836,267 7,010,611 8,843,612 8,555,365 8,050,251 7,788,291 6,778,941 8,838,965 8,463,797 7,996,475 7,688,815...
Sécurité Électrique Tenez compte des consignes de sécurité élémentaires suivantes pour vous protéger de dangers et éviter un endommagement du système: • Faites attention à l’emplacement des interrupteurs de marche-arrêt sur le châssis du système, le bouton d’arrêt d’urgence de la salle d’hébergement, l’interrupteur de déconnexion et la prise électrique. Le fait de savoir où...
Afin de vous aider à remplir vos obligations au niveau de la conformité en matière d’exportation, Barracuda Networks met à disposition un tableau de classement des exportations de produits à l’adresse suivante:
Sicurezza Elettrica Seguire queste precauzioni base di sicurezza in ambito elettrico per evitare lesioni e proteggere il dispositivo da danni: • Prestare attenzione alle sedi degli interruttori di alimentazione sul telaio del dispositivo, all’interruttore di arresto di emergenza dell’area di alloggiamento, all’interruttore di disconnessione e alla presa elettrica.
Conformità All’esportazione Barracuda si impegna a rispettare in toto le leggi e le normative del Governo USA e quelle del Paese ospitante, ivi comprese le leggi in materia di importazione ed esportazione. Qualsiasi persona o entità che esporti o ri-esporti i prodotti di Barracuda Networks direttamente o indirettamente e con qualunque mezzo, compreso il trasferimento elettronico, è...
Elektrik Güvenliği Kendinizi korumak ve cihaza zarar gelmesini önlemek için elektrikle ilgili aşağıda belirtilen temel güvenlik önlemlerini alın: • Cihaz kasası üzerindeki elektrik anahtarının, muhafaza için acil güç kapama anahtarının, bağlantı kesme anahtarının ve elektrik prizinin yerini iyi öğrenin. Bu sayede elektrik arızası oluşması halinde sistemin elektriğini en hızlı...
İhracata Uygunluk Barracuda, ihracat ve ithalat yasaları dahil olmak üzere ABD ve ev sahibi ülkelerin yasalarına uygunluk konusunda bağlılık göstermektedir. Barracuda Networks ürünlerini elektronik transfer dahil olmak üzere herhangi bir şekilde doğrudan veya dolaylı olarak ihraç veya ithal eden kişi veya kurumlar, faaliyetlerini ABD İhracat Yönetimi Düzenlemeleri ve ev sahibi ülkelerin yasaları...
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LABEL AREA Serial Number/Linking Code Copyright 2016–2021 Barracuda Networks, Inc. 3175 S. Winchester Blvd., Campbell, CA 95008 408-342-5400/888-268-4772 (US & Canada) v6.6-11-10282021...