Memorising a remote control
When the memorisation phase is activated, any trans-
mitter correctly recognised within the reception range of
the radio is memorised. Consider this aspect with care
and remove the aerial if necessary to reduce the capacity
of the receiver.
The procedures for memorising the remote controls must be per-
formed within a certain time limit; please read and understand the
whole procedure before starting.
In order to carry out the following procedure, it is necessary to use
the button located on the box of the radio receiver (reference A), and
the corresponding LED (reference B) to the left of the button.
During the transmitter code memorisation phase, one of these
options may be chosen:
Mode I. Each transmitter button activates the corresponding output
in the receiver, that is, button 1 activates output 1, button 2 activates
output 2, and so on. In this case there is a single memorisation
phase for each transmitter; during this phase, it doesn't matter
which button is pressed and just one memory sector is occupied.
Table "B1"
Mode I memorising
(each button activates the corresponding output in the receiver)
Press and hold down the receiver button for at least 3 seconds
Release the button when the Led lights up
Within 10 seconds press the 1st button on the transmitter to be memorised,
holding it down for at least 2 seconds
N.B.: If the procedure was memorised correctly, the Led on the receiver will flash 3 times.
If there are other transmitters to memorise, repeat step 3 within another 10 seconds
The memorisation phase finishes if no new codes are received for 10 seconds.
Table "B2"
Mode II memorising
(each button can be associated with a particular output)
Press and release the receiver button as many times as the number of the
desired output (twice for output no. 2)
Make sure the Led flashes as many times as the number of the desired
output (2 flashes for output no. 2).
Within 10 seconds press the desired button on the transmitter to be memorised,
holding it down for at least 2 seconds.
N.B.: If the procedure was memorised correctly, the Led on the receiver will flash 3 times.
If there are other transmitters to memorise, repeat step 3 within another 10 seconds
The memorisation phase finishes if no new codes are received for 10 seconds.
Remote memorising
It is possible to enter a new transmitter in the receiver memory with-
out using the keypad. A previously memorised and operational
remote control must be available. The new transmitter will "inherit"
the characteristics of the previously memorised one. Therefore, if the
first transmitter is memorised in mode I, the new one will also be
memorised in mode I and any of the buttons of the transmitter can
be pressed. If the first transmitter is memorised in mode II the new
one will also be memorised in mode II but the button activating the
Table "B3"
Remote Memorising
Press the button on the NEW transmitter for at least 5 seconds and then release
Press the button on the OLD transmitter 3 times slowly
Press the button on the NEW transmitter slowly and then release
N.B.: If there are other transmitters to memorise, repeat the above steps for each new transmitter
Up to a maximum of 256 transmitters can be memorised in the receiver. No one transmitter can be cancelled; all the codes must be
deleted. For more advanced functions use the appropriate programming unit.
Mode II. Each transmitter button can be associated with a particu-
lar output in the receiver, e.g., button 1 activates output 2, button 2
activates output 1, and so on. In this case, the transmitter must be
memorised, pressing the required button, for each output to acti-
vate. Naturally, each button can activate just one output while the
same output can be activated by more than one button. One mem-
ory section is occupied for each button.
required output must be pressed on the first transmitter as must the
button required to be memorised on the second. You need to read
all the instructions in advance so you can perform the operations in
sequence without interruptions. Now, with the two remote controls
(the NEW one requiring code memorisation and the OLD one that is
already memorised), position yourself within the operating range of
the radio controls (within maximum range) and carry out the instruc-
tions listed in the table.