On the Server PC
Ensure FSX and the FIP drivers are installed and running.
Original retail DVD1: FSX Deluxe edition; Navigate to the SDK folder and run Setup.exe.
Show hidden files. In Windows Explorer (if running Vista press Alt key) navigate to Tools >
Folder Options. Select View tab. In Advance Settings > Hidden Files and Folders section,
Select Show Hidden Files and Folders.
Locate SimConnect.xml
On Vista: C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX\
On XP: C:\Documents and Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\FSX\
Add section within the section <SimBase.Document...>
Note: Find and insert the server machine IP address into the field above from Control Panel >
Network Connections > Local Area Connection. Select Support tab.
Note: Select a port number greater than 1024 (Not 8080). We recommend using 2001.
Note: You will need to make a note of the Server machine IP address and the port number
when setting up the client machine.
On the Client PC
Ensure that the Flight Instrument Panel drivers are installed and working correctly.
Download and install Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable Package (x86).NOT the
SP1 variant!
Copy SimConnect.msi from server machine and install. On server machine, default loca-
tion: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X SDK\SDK\Core Utilities