Ni-Cd automatic program
In this program the charger detects the type of Ni-Cd
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
N i C d
a u t o m a t i c
battery connected to it, and adjusts the charge current
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
C : 2 . 5 A
l i m i t e d
accordingly to avoid overcharging the pack.
The maximum charge current can be set before you
connect the battery to be charged. This is done using the
INC / DEC buttons; the range available is 0.1 A to 7 A, or
no restriction. The charge process is terminated auto-
matically in accordance with the values already set for
„Ni-Cd Delta Peak cut-off voltage".
Ni-Cd manual program
Select this program when you simply wish to recharge a
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
N i C d
m a n u a l
battery using the set charge current.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
C : 2 . 5 A
You can adjust the charge current using the INC / DEC
buttons, but only before you connect the pack for
charging. The range available is 0.1 A to 7 A.
The charge process is terminated automatically in
accordance with the values already set for „Ni-Cd Delta
Peak cut-off voltage".
Ni-Cd discharge program
The typical purpose of this program is to determine the
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
N i C d
d i s c h a r g e
residual capacity of a transmitter, receiver or drive
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
1 . 0 0 A
4 . 8 V
battery, or to discharge the pack to a defined level.
In this program the charger discharges the pack using the
set discharge current (0.10 ... 100 A, left of screen) until
its voltage falls to the set final discharge voltage (0.5 ...
16.8 V, right of screen).The set final discharge voltage
should be a value of around 0.8 ... 1 V per cell, in order to
avoid the pack becoming deep-discharged. Deep-
discharging a pack runs the risk of reversing individual
cells, i.e. they exhibit reversed polarity.
NiCd conditioning program
This program is designed to optimise the capacity of a
battery, and balance the state of its component cells.At
top right you can set use the INC or DEC buttons to
determine whether the conditioning program is to start
with a charge or discharge cycle. After this you set the
number of cycles from 1 to 5 (e.g., if you set three cycles,
the pack will be charged and discharged three times). The
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
N i C d
c y c l e
C > D
program discharges the battery using the set discharge
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
C : 2 . 5 A
E : 1 . 0 0 A
current stated on the right of the screen (0.10 .. 1.00 A),
and then recharges it using the charge current (0.1 ...
7.0 A) shown on the left of the screen. The charge
process is terminated automatically in accordance with
the values already set for „Ni-Cd Delta Peak cut-off
voltage".The method of reading out the values for the
individual cycles is described in the section „Screen
NiCd-Delta-Peak (-∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ Peak) trigger voltage
The automatic charge termination
N i C d
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
d e l t a - p e a k -
circuit (battery full detection) works on
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
v o l t
= 1 0 m V / c e l l
the proven Delta Peak principle (also
known as the Delta-V process), which
is already in use in millions of chargers.
This process analyses the voltage peak of the charge curve, which indicates with great
accuracy when the maximum charge capacity is reached.When the charge process is started
the battery voltage initially rises continuously, but as the pack approaches full capacity it begins
to heat up. This in turn causes the battery voltage to fall slightly (Delta-V). The charger detects
and assesses the voltage decline.It is possible to adjust the sensitivity, or trigger voltage (in mV
per cell!) of the automatic cut-off circuit for Ni-Cd batteries. A practical range of values has
proved to be 10 ... 30 mV / cell. Higher voltages often lead to overcharging of the battery,
whereas a lower voltage tends to result in premature termination of the charge process. We
recommend that you check the information supplied by your battery manufacturer, then carry
out a series of test charges to establish the optimum value for your battery.
12. NIMH-programs
A set of convenient charge programs for recharging Nickel-Metal-Hydride batteries, as
commonly used for modelling purposes. When the charge / discharge program is finished, the
screen displays the name of the charge program alternating with the message „END", together
with the charge time, the last (dis-) charge current, the charged-in (discharged) capacity and
the battery voltage, and continues to do so until you disconnect the battery. This information can
often give you a useful indication about the Ni-MH pack's charge characteristics and capacity, or
warn you if the charger has incorrectly assessed the pack as being „full".
Ni-MH automatic program
In this program the charger detects the type of Ni-MH
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
N i M H
a u t o m a t i c
battery connected to it, and adjusts the charge current
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
C : 2 . 5 A
l i m i t e d
accordingly to avoid overcharging the pack.
The maximum charge current can be set before you
connect the battery to be charged. This is done using the
INC / DEC buttons; the range available is 0.1 A to 7 A, or
no restriction. The charge process is terminated auto-
matically in accordance with the values already set for
„Ni-MH Delta Peak cut-off voltage".
Ni-MH manual program
Select this program when you simply wish to recharge a
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
N i M H
m a n u a l
battery using the set charge current. You can adjust the
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
C : 2 . 5 A
charge current using the INC / DEC buttons, but only
before you connect the pack for charging. The range
available is 0.1 A to 7 A.The charge process is terminated
automatically in accordance with the values already set
for „Ni-MH Delta Peak cut-off voltage".
∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆
trigger voltage
charging time