After leaving the bathtub pour the disinfecting agent into it (follow the producer's instructions!). We recommend
using the disinfecting agent with the article No. 6923 or 133607.
Suggested amounts: 100 ml of the disinfecting agent for 100 L of the bathtub capacity.
Producers tips should be observed.
Disinfection is activated by pressing button 1
Manual disinfection process
If you add the disinfection agent, the Tergum system should be activated manulally in order to circulate
disinfection agent and after 1 minute it should be switched off again manually.
After 30 minutes of disinfection process, the system should be start again for 2 minutes (manual start/stop)
After disinfection the bathtub should be emptied.
Usage and maintenance
In general, bathing in the water massage bathtub is a relax or great fun. However, for a small group of people it may
cause a threat to their health.
In case of doubts consult a doctor.
In case of the following group of people/users we advise against using the water massage bathtub:
Babies up to 1 year old
People with unstable blood circulation
After consuming a big amount of alcohol
People with a cold or fl u
In case of problems with the heart/blood circulation
After a visit in sauna use the bubble bath after a longer break during which you cool down
Immediately after eating
When the jets is used by children, they should be under constant supervision of adults.
When older or disabled people with limited physical abilities use the jets, special caution should be exercised.
Specialized companies and the fi rst user declare that they will make the operating manual available
for subsequent owners and users.
The temperature of water in the jets should not exceed the average body temperature. The ideal scope of temperatures
is from + 32°C to + 37°C.
For your own safety please make sure that no electric devices or other current conducting elements will not fall into
the bathtub fi lled with water.
Additives for bathing containing solids, such as turf, oils, etc., cannot be used. We recommend to use HOESCH foam
baths for whirltubs.
After a bath rinse the bathtub surface with water and wipe it with a wet cloth. Do not use scrubbing agents! When
occasionally cleaning the bathtub thoroughly, spread a couple drops of the cleaning agent on the surface and wipe it with
a soft cloth. Remove heavier dirt using warm water and a mild liquid cleaning agent, or soap water.
Calcifi cations should be removed with the use of lime removing vinegar and water (do not use these for fittings!).
In case of using the agents for cleaning drains please observe the usage instructions!
Small scratchings or fragments of the shiny surface that have lost their smoothness should be removed with the use
of e.g. the HOESCH maintenance set, article No.: 699100.
Fittings and built-in elements should be cleaned with a soft cloth. Damages caused as a result of improper usage
of chemicals, acids and scrubbing agents will not be taken into consideration by us as the reason of a complaint.