a) Soldering iron
1. Balance of potential Zero-Ohm versus tip
2. Sensor 22 Ohm
3. Heating 12 Ohm
b) Power unit
Check according to instruction:
Measuring points against mass M
1. Transformer-output 24 V
When missing line voltage check fuse, main
cable, transformer.
2. Supply voltage 5 V
When supply-voltage missing or too high,
replace controller 5 26 702 00.
3. Rated value (potentiometer) 2-5 V
4. If actual value on cold iron > 3 V, the sensor-
line or the OP-amplifier 5 26 700 00 is defective.
5. Ignition puls 1 ms - 5 V
Condition for ignition pulse is: Actual value <
rated value. When impulse missing, replace
zero-voltage switch 5 87 030 78.
6. Ignitionpuls 1 ms - 1,4 V
If impulse 5 V, replace triac no. 5 26 706 00.
7. Potential balance: for using rc-filter remove
the shortering bridge or Zero-Ohm resistor.
11.03.2002, 11:19 Uhr