Anti Theft Mobile Tracker (ATMT)
Anti-theft mobile tracker (ATMT) allows you to track your lost phone.
When someone uses your phone without your permission, the tracking
service will be activated.
You are reminded by a text message sent to the default phone number
you have set, without the unauthorized user's knowledge. You can
always activate the ATMT and confi gure your personal settings.
To activate Anti-theft mobile tracker
1. From the main menu, select Settings > Security settings > Anti-theft
mobile tracker and press OK.
2. Then in the Anti-theft mobile tracker menu, edit and save the name in
Sender name and numbers in Sending number list.
3. Select Set Anti-theft and press OK.
4. Switch On or Off and press OK.
5. Input the security code to enable or disable this function.
The default ATMT code is "0000". You have to enter the code before
confi guring the ATMT settings.