Proceed as follows to programme several users with the manager fi ngerprint (ID1):
Apply manager fi ngerprint ID1 to transparent glass area,
Apply fi ngerprint to be programmed to transparent glass area 2x,
Apply further fi ngerprint ´to transparent glass area 2x,
Apply further fi ngerprint ´to transparent glass area 2x,
Apply further fi ngerprint ´to transparent glass area 2x,
Apply manager fi ngerprint ID1 to transparent glass area.
If a fi ngerprint is to be added, the fi nger to be added must be placed on the transparent
glass area 2x. During programming of the fi ngerprint, the LED is lit orange and the back-
lighting fl ashes blue quickly.
When a fi ngerprint was successfully programmed, this is confi rmed by the system by the
LED changing from orange to green after the fi nger was applied twice. A brief signal also
Proceed as follows to delete a user with the manager fi ngerprint (ID2):
Apply manager fi ngerprint ID2 to transparent glass area,
Apply fi ngerprint to be deleted ´to transparent glass area 1x,
Apply manager fi ngerprint ID2 to transparent glass area.
Proceed as follows to delete several users with the manager fi ngerprint (ID2):
Apply manager fi ngerprint ID2 to transparent glass area,
Apply fi ngerprint to be deleted ´to transparent glass area 1x,
Apply further fi ngerprint to transparent glass area 1x,
Apply further fi ngerprint to transparent glass area 1x,
Apply further fi ngerprint to transparent glass area 1x,
Apply manager fi ngerprint ID2 to transparent glass area.
Deleting all users
To delete all users programmed before, proceed as follows:
* Manager Password # 20000 # *
This input deletes all previously programmed fi ngerprints, including manager fi ngerprints
ID1 and ID2.
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