8. Application references
The machine has been constructed according to the actual technical standards and the
recognized safety specifications. Although, there might be dangers for the user or third
persons or impairments of the machine and other goods.
Only use the machine in perfect technical constitution. Follow the operating instructions conscious of safety
and danger. Repair defects at once by authorized and qualified persons!
The machine has exclusively been developed for grain sieving to determine particle distribution. Any other
or further application is not as agreed upon. The manufacturer/supplier will assume no responsibility for
damages as a result of improper use. The risk is on the user's side.
9. Assembly
© Copyright 2010 by HAVER & BOECKER
Put the machine on a stable, vibration free table. Do not use a
rubber support!
Screw the guide rods (3) into the drilled holes of the
vibration plate (1) and drive in the counter nuts (2) by the key.
Minimum of three test sieves (height 50 mm) and one
sieve pan is necessary when using guide rods with
lengths of 660 mm
EML 200 Premium
Put on the test sieve set (1) and fill the sieving material in the upper
test sieve.
Put on the cover (2) and fix it evenly with the two
tension nuts (3).
Please notice item 10, Test sieving according
to ISO 2591-1!
Connect the mains plug, pay attention to
the power supply!
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