Additional Specific Safety Rules; Additional Safety Rules For The Lasers - Delta 18-900L Manuel D'utilisation

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Do not operate thIS MaChIne until it is completely
assembled and installed according to the instructions.
A machine incorrectly assembled can cause serious injury.
oBtaIn aDVICe from your supervisor, instructor, or
another qualified person if you are not thoroughly familiar
with the operation of this machine. Knowledge is safety.
FoLLoW aLL WIrInG CoDeS and recommended electrical
connections to prevent shock or electrocution.
SeCUre the MaChIne to a SUpportInG SUrFaCe.
Vibration can cause the machine to slide, walk, or tip over.
neVer Start the MaChIne BeFore CLearInG
the taBLe oF aLL oBjeCtS (tools, scrap pieces, etc.).
Debris can be thrown at high speed.
neVer Start the MaChIne with the drill bit, cutting
tool, or sanding drum against the workpiece. Loss of
control of the workpiece can cause serious injury.
properLy LoCk the DrILL BIt, CUttInG tooL, or
SanDInG DrUM In the ChUCk before operating this
reMoVe the ChUCk key BeFore StartInG the
MaChIne. The chuck key can be thrown out at a high
tIGhten aLL LoCk hanDLeS before starting the machine.
Loss of control of the workpiece can cause serious injury.
10. USe onLy DrILL BItS, CUttInG tooLS, SanDInG
DrUMS, or other aCCeSSorIeS with shank size
recommended in your instruction manual. The wrong size
accessory can cause damage to the machine and/or
serious injury.
11. USe onLy DrILL BItS, CUttInG tooLS, or
SanDInG DrUMS that are not damaged. Damaged items
can cause malfunctions that lead to injuries.
12. USe reCoMMenDeD SpeeDS for all operations. Other
speeds may cause the machine to malfunction causing
damage to the machine and/or serious injury.
13. aVo I D aW k Wa r D o p e rat I o n S a n D h a n D
poSItIonS. A sudden slip could cause a hand to move
into the bit.


read and understand all instructions. Failure to follow all instructions listed below may result in electric
shock, fire and/or serious personal injury.
For your own safety, read the tool instruction manual before using any accessory. Failure to heed these warn-
ings may result in personal injury and serious damage to the tool and the accessory. When servicing this tool, use only iden-
tical replace ment parts.
LaSer raDIatIon expoSUre. Do not disassemble or modify the laser. there are no user serviceable parts
inside. Serious eye injury could result.
hazarDoUS raDIatIon. Use or modification of the tool for anything other than its designed purpose may result in
hazardous radiation exposure.
• Do not operate the laser in explosive atmospheres, such as in the presence of flammable liquids, gases, or dust. Power tools cre-
ate sparks which may ignite the dust or fumes.
• Store idle laser out of reach of children and other untrained persons. Lasers are dangerous in the hands of untrained users.
• Tool service must be performed only by qualified repair personnel. Service or maintenance performed by unqualified personnel may
result in injury. To locate your nearest DELTA® service center call 1-800-223-7278 or go to on the Internet.
• Do not use optical tools such as a telescope or transit to view the laser beam. Serious eye injury could result.
• Do not stare into beam aperture, or into a reflection from a mirror-like surface
• Do not place the laser in a position which may cause anyone to intentionally or unintentionally stare into the laser beam. Serious
eye injury could result.
• Turn the laser off when it is not in use. Leaving the laser on increases the risk of staring into the laser beam.
• Do not disassemble the laser or laser power supply. There are no user serviceable parts inside.
• Do not modify the laser in any way. Modifying the tool may result in Hazardous Laser Radiation Exposure.
• Do not operate the laser around children or allow children to operate the laser. Serious eye injury may result.
• Do not remove or deface warning labels. Removing labels increases the risk of exposure to radiation.
Refer to them often and use them to instruct others.
14. keep arMS, hanDS, anD FInGerS away from the bit.
Serious injury to the hand can occur.
15. hoLD the WorkpIeCe FIrMLy aGaInSt the taBLe.
Do not attempt to drill a workpiece that does not have a
flat surface against the table, or that is not secured by a
vise. Prevent the workpiece from rotating by clamping it to
the table or by securing it against the drill press column.
Loss of control of the workpiece can cause serious injury.
16. tUrn the MaChIne "oFF" anD WaIt For the DrILL
BIt, CUttInG tooL, or SanDInG DrUM to Stop
tUrnInG prior to cleaning the work area, removing
debris, removing or securing work-piece, or changing
the angle of the table. A moving drill bit, cutting tool, or
sanding drum can cause serious injury.
17. properLy SUpport LonG or WIDe work-pieces.
Loss of control of the workpiece can cause severe injury.
18. Do not pLaCe more than 250 pounds of weight on the
19. neVer perForM LayoUt, aSSeMBLy or Set-
Up Work on the table/work area when the machine is
running. Serious injury can result.
20. tUrn the MaChIne "oFF" , disconnect the machine
from the power source, and clean the table/work area
before leaving the machine. LoCk the SWItCh In the
"oFF" poSItIon to prevent unauthorized use. Someone
else might accidentally start the machine and cause
serious injury to themselves.
21. aDDItIonaL InForMatIon regarding the safe
and proper operation of power tools (i.e. a safety
video) is available from the Power Tool Institute, 1300
Sumner Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44115-2851 (www. Information is also available
from the National Safet y Council, 1121 Spr ing
Lake Drive, Itasca, IL 60143-3201. Please refer to the
American National Standards Institute ANSI 01.1 Safety
Requirements for Woodworking Machines and the
U.S. Department of Labor OSHA 1910.213 Regulations.


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