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Extension Board mounting (option)
Note on Drive PLC with software version as of version 6.1:
The Drive PLC detects automatically
missing connections to the extension board.
an extension board which is not compatible with the user program.
a missing extension board.
Note on Drive PLC with software version earlier than version 6.1:
The Drive PLC does not detect automatically
missing connections to the extension board.
an extension board which is not compatible with the user program.
a missing extension board.
Missing connections, incompatibility or missing extension boards can result in undefined actions
which can endanger the machine/system.
Therefore it is absolutely necessary to ensure that
you always use two 26-pole plug connectors to connect the extension board with the Drive
PLC (see Mounting Instructions for the Extension Board, chapter "Mechanical installation", plug
connectors ).
the extension board type matches the user program.
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