Draminski has developed an invaluable farming
tool which enables the moisture content of hay
and straw bales to be both simply and accurately
measured. The regular monitoring of moisture levels
is essential in the production of high quality hay.
This is because moisture content is the major factor
to affect quality and therefore the price achieved.
Regular and reliable access to this information is
critical to the timing of harvesting. Moreover, once
harvested the quality of the hay can be maintained
in storage through the continued monitoring of
moisture levels. Such monitoring can help prevent
fungal attack and rot through the early detection of
increased moisture content.
In addition, the ability to measure moisture content
provides invaluable information when buying
and selling hay. This is because it allows for an
accurate assessment of the quality and therefore
its corresponding value to be determined. Finally
it is also an extremely useful tool in the calculation
of livestock rations, as livestock productivity
performance is dependent upon the correct
consumption of dry matter.
BALERS measures changes occurring in the electrical
conductivity of hay or straw, and then converts it
into a percentage moisture reading which is shown
on the LCD display.
It provides both moisture and temperature readouts.
The device is installed directly onto the baler. It is
designed to give immediate results and is both easy
to use and maintain.