Glue the sample ID label onto the sample bottle so that the lower edge
of the label is approximately 2 cm above the bottom of the bottle.
Initialize operator and location RFID tag on the pho-
Specify the operator ID (refer to photometer operating instructions).
Select Initialize RFID Tag.
Follow the onscreen instructions and hold the operator RFID tag in
front of the photometer RFID module.
A sound confirms that the writing process has been successful.
English 70
The operator RFID tag can be rewritten at any time. To do so,
confirm the "Overwrite Operator ID" message with OK and enter
the password, if the old operator ID is protected with a password.
Specify a sample ID (refer to photometer operating instructions).
Press Initialize RFID Tag.
Follow the onscreen instructions and hold the location RFID tag in
front of the photometer RFID module.
A sound confirms that the writing process has been successful.
The location RFID tag can be rewritten at any time. To do so,
confirm the "Overwrite location RFID tag" message with OK.