Stake Out Measurement
Stake out measurement helps users to divide long distance into
equal segments. This function is used in Continuous Measurement
Mode with preset stake out distance.
Setup Stake-out Distance
1. Press and hold
2. Tap
to increase the stake preset value.
3. Press the button
numbers before and after the decimal point.
4. Press and hold
5. To restore the zero enter the setup mode. Reset the value to
zero, and press
Use of Stake-Out with Preset Distance
1. Activate Continuous Measurement Mode by pressing
2. Stake out icon appears next to the Continuous measurement
mode indicator.
3. Press the button
4. Follow the sign
backward to reach the preset distance, or its nearest multiple.
5. The device will beep to notify when the preset distance or its
multiple value are reached.
to enter the setup mode.
to shift between
to save the value and exit the setup mode.
to start continuous measurement.
to move forward and the sign
to move