You can easily download music clips through the
Internet. Please note that additional cost may occur
when using online services.
My music
You can manage downloaded music in this folder.
The detailed functions are as follows:
1. Play the music file.
2. Create a new folder.
3. Move/Copy/Delete/Delete all/Rename music
4. Mark/Unmark one or all music files(s).
5. Send a music file via MMS, E-mail or Bluetooth if
not protected by Digital Rights Management
6. Set a music file as ringtone for voice or video
incoming calls.
7. Sort the files by name, date or file extension.
8. View the music files(s) in a simple or detailed list,
or in a grid.
9. Memory info (handset or external memory card).
#. View file information.
MENU 6.4
You can make a list of downloaded music files and
play a selected file in the list.
How to make a list: