My Media
Make animated GIF: You can create a GIF
Sort by(Name, Date, Type): You can list files by
View by(Simple list/Detailed list/Grid): You can
select a view type.
Memory info.: You can view the current phone
memory and external memory status.
File info.: You can view the file information.
Press the right soft key to execute [Send] function
Select a thumbnail in the Thumbnail list screen, and
select [View] to view the image enlarged.
In the large image screen, you can view in full screen
mode by clicking [Full] at the centre, and you can
execute the [Send] function using the right soft key.
Using the Options menu, you can use the following
Using [Files] menu, you can delete, rename and edit a
file and you can view the file information. Using the
Edit menu, you can rotate, resize and crop an image
and you can insert text or an effect.
Select [Files] and select Edit option to enter the Edit
In the Edit window, you can use the following
different functions using the Option key.
• Select [Save] to save the edited image.
• Select [Rotate] to rotate the image by 90°, 180°
or 270°.
• Select [Resize] to resize the image to smaller
• Select [Insert] to add Text, Frame, Element.
• Select [Edit object] to use the Defect &
Clipping functions.
• Select [Effect] to apply the desired effect to the
• Select [Mirror] to reverse as a mirror image
• Select [Undo/Redo] to undo or redo the last
operation on the image.
Send via: You can send a file via E-mail, MMS and
Full: You can view in full screen mode.