Compact 6 HD & Compact 6 HD Speech
To delete a snapshot, open the menu and tap on the "Open" button. In the open screen, tap on the
"Delete" button. A list of thumbnails of the saved snapshots will be shown, showing the most recently
saved snapshot first. Each snapshot has a checkbox at the top right corner. To select a snapshot,
check the checkbox. Tap the "Delete" button to delete the selected snapshots. To delete all
snapshots, tap the "Delete" button without selecting a snapshot. You will be prompted to confirm to
delete all snapshots. To delete all snapshots, select "Yes". To cancel deleting all snapshots, select
"No". Both choices will return you to the list of snapshots. Tap the "Back bar" to return to the "Open"
screen. Tap the "Back bar" again to return to the main menu.
Adjusting the brightness
Use the slider with the sun icon to increase or decrease the brightness of the screen.