One of the provided adapters is needed to attach to Dan-
foss valves. The assignment of the suitable adapter ring to
the relevant valve can be found in the following illustrations.
Please ensure that you do not trap your fingers bet-
ween the two halves of the adapter!
The Danfoss valve bodies have elongated notches (E)
around their circumference (see arrow), which also ensu-
re that the adaptor is properly seated when it snaps on.
During installation, please ensure that the pins inside the
adapter (D) are lined up with the notches (E) on the valve.
Ensure that a suitable adapter for the valve is properly
clipped on.
The RA and RAV adapters have been manufactured
with pre-tension in order to provided a better seat. Use
a screwdriver during installation if necessary, and bend
6.1 Adapter for Danfoss