PAY ATTENTION: This procedure has to be made with extreme attention and by authorized and trained people;
because starting this procedure it will start both Outputs (relays) causing the activation of connected alarm devices.
The instrument has three different code protected functions: Operation Check, Zero Adjust and Calibration.
Operation Check, Zero Adjust, Calibration Check and Calibration : are different code protected functions. To ac-
cess these functions is necessary to insert the relevant "Code" through the keys F1s and F2. To have the key pres-
sure recognized, hold pressing it for around a second (until the Green Led doesn't switch off for a moment). Then the next key
can be pressed. In case of error all it takes is waiting around 10 seconds and the sequence is automatically erased.
Calibration Kit, Sample Gas Bottles (for Calibration Check and Calibration) please, only using a mixture 20%LEL
(0.88%v/v) Methane in Air (20.9% Oxygen). Catalytic sensors cannot work without Oxygen. It is possible to use
either the disposable one litre cylinders with adjust valve or the high pressure ones with reduction gear. Is also
necessary the Tecnocontrol Calibration Kit model TC011.
"INSTRUMENT OPERATION CHECK" (Check Code: F2, F2, F1, F1): this function allows to effect a functional test
of the equipment. After having put the system in safety and inserted the "Code Test", all Led are switched off and all
the relays are disarmed. Then they will switch on in sequence, the Led, from the yellow up to the 3° red. To the
lighting of the various Led it corresponds the activation of the relevant relays (relay "FAULT" with the yellow Led, relay
"ALARM1" with the 1° red Led, relay "ALARM2" with the 2° red Led, relay "ALARM3" with the 3° red Led). At the end all the Led will
remain lighted for around 5 seconds, then the central returns at the conditions of normal operation. It is advisable
to perform this operation every 6-12 months according to the use.
Note: this function is not working if the 1° and/or the 2° and/or the 3° red Led have already turned on
"ZERO ADJUST" (Zero Code: F2, F1, F1, F2) : this function is to adjust the Zero sensor and can be done in clean
air only (environment without the presence of gas or other pollutants). Immediately after having inserted the "Zero
Code", as a confirmation of the operation carried out there will be 1 I flash of the 1° red Led and the output will be-
come 4,0 mA. We suggest performing this operation after the installation or after the change of the cartridge and
every 6-12 months based on the environmental conditions.
Note: This function is not working if the 2° e/o the 3° red Led have already been switched on .In case the 1°
red Led is already switched on only instead of flashing it will switch off for confirmation.
"CALIBRATION" (Calibration Code: F2, F2, F2, F1, F2, F1): this function allows completely recalibrate the sensor.
Warning: to guarantee that no errors of elaboration happen, the rare possibility exists that during the Calibration
the yellow LED switch off every 8 seconds, in this case interrupt the procedure, switch off and witch on the instru-
ment and repeat the Calibration. If condition persists it will be necessary to send the detector to the supplier for the
reparation. Important note: During Calibration routine the mA output indicates 0mA.
The Calibration can be done in clean air only (environment without the presence of flammable or other polluting gas). With the
keys perform the "Calibration Code ". Wait until the Yellow and Green Led switch on fix and the 1° red Led starts to
flash. Insert the TC011 into the sensor holder to regulate the influx of the gas the way that the flow meter indicates
Fig.3). Wait around 3 minutes, then when the 3° red Led switch on (and while it's SWITCHED ON),
around 0.3 l/mins
press the key F2 and hold it pressed until 1° and 3° Red Led are switched off for at least 2 seconds (if the 1° Red Led
continue to flash, wait that the 3° Red Led switch on again and repeat the operation). Then, close the gas cylinder and remove
TC011. At this point we can have two possibilities:
Yellow and Green Led illuminates: the calibration routine has correctly been performed. Wait 8 seconds, until
the instrument automatically restores the normal working conditions. (see "Operational Description > Preheating").
Yellow LED illuminates: the routine has failed. In this case, wait 8 seconds, until the instrument automatically re-
peat Preheating, then repeat the "Calibration" routine without inserting again the code. If condition still persists after the
replacement of the cartridge, it will be necessary to send the detector back to the manufacturer for reparation.
"CALIBRATION CHECK" (Cal Check Code: F2, F1, F2, F1) : this operation allow to effect a real functional test of
the equipment with gas after the "Calibration" routine, or after the installation. The "Calibration Check" routine should
be done during the periodic maintenances because this is the only method to verify the instrument real functioning.
With the keys perform the "Cal Check Code". Wait until the Yellow Led starts to flash (the green one remain fix) Insert
the TC011 over the sensor holder, adjust the sample gas bottle valve as the flow meter indicates around 0.3 l/mins
Fig.3), wait for 3 minutes and check that the instrument activates Alarms as shown in chapter "Operational De-
scription". If the result is different, is necessary to recalibrate the sensor (see "Calibration"). Then, close the gas bottle,
remove TC011, press the key F2 to restore the normal working conditions.
NOTE: further to the above, If the mA output is also used, verify with a voltmeter connected to the Test-Point
"TESTmA", the value reach a value between 184 and 216mV, [corresponding to 20mA (±1.6) output and the central
unit should be display about 20% LEL (±2)]. Then, the mA output will slowly decrease up to 4mA.
Le SE138K est un détecteur ponctuel pour gaz et vapeurs combustibles avec capteur catalytique pouvant égale-
ment être utilisé en systèmes centralisés d'alarme pour l'industrie et le tertiaire. Le détecteur est constitué par une
boîtier antidéflagrant contenant le circuit électronique et les borniers de raccordement; dans le porte capteur, placé
dans la partie inférieure du boîtier, est logée une "cartouche capteur échangeable" contenant l'élément sensible et
les données identificatrices et de réglage. Le SE138K possède 3 relais d'alarmes réglables en % de la LIE (Limite
Inférieur d'explosivité), intervenant comme indiqués au
TECNOCONTROL S.r.l. Via Miglioli 47 SEGRATE ( MI )
Istruzione / User's Manual / Manuel d'utilisation
Tableau 2
et 1 relais de dérangement. Les relais, de type scellé,
Tel: 02/26 92 28 90 Fax: 02/21 33 734