5: Air pressure release
6: Diesel engine off/on
7: Alarm bell
8: Sound off/on
With a Loco Remote or Universal
Remote, press the numbered loco
function buttons. With an MTS
Train Mouse, press the loco func-
tion button the matching number
of times. For example, to trigger
the bell, press button "3" on the
Remote. If you are using a Train
Mouse, press the function button
three times to trigger the bell.
When operating with the Multi-
Train System, the loco features a
"Back-EMF" function. This keeps
the motor speed constant (and
under normal conditions the loco
speed), even when the load of the
loco changes, for example, in
curves or on grades. This feature
does not work at top speed,
because additional voltage must
be available to overcome any
added load.
If desired, numerous functions of
the onboard decoder, such as
acceleration, braking, direction of
travel and many others, can be
programmed using a PC and the
55045 MTS PC Decoder Pro-
gramming Module (see Instruc-
tions for advanced users). These
functions also can be pro-
grammed with the 55015 Univer-
sal Remote.
This model features a digital elec-
tronic sound system. The volume
control is located under the radia-
tor housing behind the cab (Fig. 1).
All sound features described
below also can be controlled
directly with the LGB Multi-Train
System (see Multi-Train System).
When the throttle is turned up
slowly, you first hear the diesel
engine starting. Then the engine
idles. If you turn up the throttle fur-
ther, the loco starts. The drive
sounds are synchronized to the
loco's speed. When operating
with the Multi-Train System, you
can turn the diesel engine off and
on by pressing the F6 button (see
Multi-Train System).
Bell and whistle: The whistle
sounds automatically when the
locomotive is started: Two long
blasts when the loco moves for-
ward, three short blasts when it
The bell and whistle also can be
triggered using the LGB Sound
Trigger Magnet (17050) included
with this model. The 17050 snaps
between the ties of most LGB
track sections.
The magnet in the 17050 is under
the LGB logo. If the contact is
installed with the logo on one side
of the track, it will trigger the whis-
tle as the model passes. If the
contact is reversed, it will trigger
the bell.
Brake: To trigger the "squealing"
brake sound, reduce the model's
speed slowly. This requires a
skilled hand and a little practice.
Standing sounds: With the
Multi-Train System, you hear the
diesel motor idling while the loco
is standing.
To hear the standing sounds with
analog operation, a low voltage
(approx. 6.5 volts) must be main-
tained on the tracks. Turn the
throttle to a low setting so that the
loco does not yet start, but you
can hear the sounds.
Hint: To obtain standing sounds
with analog operation while the
throttle is turned off, the 65011
Sound Unit Power Storage must
be installed.
Hint: This model is equipped with
a starting delay circuit. This
enables the model to produce
standing sounds while it is
Attention! Do not connect this
model to other locomotives with
different starting characteristics.
This can damage the internal
This model features directional
lighting. The model has a "flat"
multi-purpose socket, with a
removable cover, at the rear of
the loco (Fig. 3). This socket can
be used to provide track power to