Speak to do simple tasks
You can see a menu of simple tasks on your watch, and anything in this list can also be said aloud.
For example, once you're on the menu you can touch "Start stopwatch." To do the same thing with your voice,
just say "Ok Google, start stopwatch" from most screens.
To see the menu of things you can do:
If your screen is dim, touch the screen to wake up the watch.
Say "Ok Google" or touch anywhere on the background of the screen. You'll see a white screen with a red
Touch again anywhere on the screen to see a menu of things you can do.
Swipe up to see different options.
Google apps that work with Android Wear
Here are some Google apps on your phone or tablet that you can use with Android Wear. You can use Google
apps or other apps, just like on your Android phone.
Google Now
Google Hangouts
Google Keep
Google Maps for mobile
Google Calendar
Use Google Now with Android Wear
You can see Google Now cards on Android Wear if you have Google Now on your Android phone.
Customize your Google Now cards
The Google Now cards you'll see in Android Wear come from your existing Google Now feed. Any changes you
make to your card settings on your phone will also impact what cards you see on Android Wear. To change the
cards that show up on your watch, you'll need to customize your Google Now cards on your phone.
If you make changes, use the instructions below to refresh Google Now so that the changes you make will sync
with Android Wear: