¶ Use the » or « keys to specify the slot number to which
you wish to add a disc and press the ENT key. (Note that
discs may be added by this mode only to slots for which it
is confirmed that no disc has been inserted, and that the
selection menu displayed will not change when the ENT
key is pressed if there is no slot confirmed empty.)
The mailslot tray will open and the following message will
be displayed.
¶ Place the new disc in the tray and press the ENT key.
The tray will close, the following message will be displayed,
and the disc will be carried to the specified slot.
When the disc has been added, the message displayed on
the LCD message window will return to the initial add disc
message with the next slot number corresponding to the
condition described above being displayed.
To exit add mode, press the ESC key.
If you cannot add a new disc in add mode, add the disc in
swap mode instead.
Hyper submode
Hyper submode is designed to eject a hyper magazine. Since
the DRM-7000/DRM-3000 is not equipped with an exclusive
key to eject a hyper magazine, you must enter this mode to
make the ENT key into the eject key.
¶ When the ENT key is pressed, the changer will check to
see if any hyper magazine discs are currently used in drives.
If there are such discs currently in drives, the following
message will be displayed.
It is the host computer possessing the authority to return
discs in drives to disc magazines. Therefore, if you wish
to eject the hyper magazine right now, you must return to
user mode first and issue a command requesting the discs
be returned from the host computer.
When all the discs have been returned to the hyper
magazine, the following message will be displayed.
¶ Pressing the ENT key will cause the following messages
to be displayed and the hyper magazine to be ejected.
If you wish to exit this mode without replacing the hyper
magazine, press the ESC key three times to return to user