Installation and Operating Instructions
Fresh Air Boxes – ALB EC
09- Temperature sensor
Select the temperature sensor with priority for control corresponding to the set temperature: Supply air duct or
room temperature sensor. Room temperature sensor optional, Connection to circuit board A1 terminal 55-56.
10- Supply air duct limit values
Set the temperature limit values for the supply air (when using a room temperature sensor).
12- Air flow deviation
The "Airflow deviation" option will only appear if the "Slave unit application" option is checked in the "24 AHU
setting" parameter.
Set the air flow deviation:
0 %
Same amount of supply air and exhaust air
-100 %
Less supply air, more extract air
+50 %
More supply air, less extract air
13- Emergency air flow
Set the operating mode for opened emergency contact (fire mode, terminal 15-16):
– No flow
– Flow supply air + extract air
– Flow only supply air
– Flow only extract air
Set the air performance from 0-100 % with open emergency contact (fire mode).
15- Boost
Set the duration and fan power in boost mode.
If boost mode is to be activated directly upon activation of the unit, the checkbox "From OFF" must be locked.
16- Freecooling
Set the free night cooling.
The flow rate (50-100 %) during "Free night cooling" and the minimum temperature (12-25 °C) can be adjusted.
17- PID parametrisation
The heater batteries installed in the unit are displayed. The PID parameters for these can be adjusted:
P: 50-60 °C
I: 1-255 s
D: 0-10 min.
18- HW test
The fan, heater battery, air shutter and relay can be manually tested. Upon activation of the pre-heater, the supply
air fan will be activated at 20 %. Improper operation of the pre-heater may trigger the safety temperature limiter.
20- Modbus RTU
Set the Modbus address, as well as baud rate and parity.
21- Network
Set the network parameters:
– IP address
– Mask
– Gateway
23- User lock
Set the protection level:
– None (full access without PIN)
– On/Off
– On/Off, temperature, air flow
– Temperature, air flow
– Full (access only with PIN)
– User mode
Change PIN code for user lock.
24- AHU setting (extract air fan)
If the extract air fan (slave unit use) is connected, the checkbox must be ticked in this menu.
49- Other settings
– Set CAN Bus address for the control panel (up to two control panels can be connected)
– Activation Summer time
50- Factory reset
Reset all parameters to factory settings.
Set the setpoint temperature, see Temperature menu.