Remaining risk factors
Working with a brush cutter always poses some risks that cannot be eliminated entirely:
Noise: Working for a long time can damage your hearing if you do not have a very good
hearing protection.
Risks of injury:
Be aware that the cutter might stall and lead you to fall.
Small objects might be caught by the machine and catapulted into the air.
The contact with the rotating moving cutter causes severe injuries! Protect especially your
feet by wearing reinforced security shoes.
Never get with your fingers or hands near the rotating moving cutter.
Do not touch the muffler or other machine components during operation – They become hot!
Risk to the hands or fingers:
Access while it is working in the mowing apparatus. After the operation, the machine must
cool down. Otherwise, there is an acute risk of scalding!
Wear protective gloves to avoid injury
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Do not operate in an enclosed or confined areas.
Exhaust contains poisonous carbon monoxide. The exposure can
cause unconsciousness and death.
Before the start, after the failure or shock, be sure to check the
device and make sure that it is in good condition.
Wear firm gloves when you use the brush cutter or if you install or
remove the cutting blade.
Switch off the engine
Fit the blade guard
Secure the machine
Empty tank completely, avoid fuel spillage
To avoid damage to the device never drag but always lift
Remove and clean thread head and cutter blade
Fit the blade guard
Clean the machine and dry
Empty Tank completely, avoid fuel spillage
Store in a dry, out of reach of children place, well packaged
(protection against cuts)