7. Ma chine main te nance
7.2.2 Check the hy drau lic oil level
• Check the oil level through the oil jauge glass.
• If nec es sary top up the oil level up to the up per area of the
If hy drau lic oil is miss ing by the daily hy drau lic oil
level con trol, the com po nents, hoses and con-
nections have to be checked im me di ately.
7.2.3 Re plac ing the re turn-line fil ter el e ment
• Re move the plugs (1).
• Screw off the fil ter cap (2).
• Pull out the fil ter el e ment (4) and re place it.
• Check the gas ket (3) on the fil ter cap (2) and re place it, if nec -
es sary.
• Screw in the fil ter cap (2).
• Close the open ing with plugs (1).