spaced out of 10sec during the washing cycle until the tube is full. Contact an qualified
technician to calibrate.
Bluish marks on the dishes and foam in the wash tank are due to excessive quantity of rinsing
agent. If the dishes are covered with droplets of water and dry rather slowly, the amount of
rinsing agent is insufficient. In this case soak the dishes for some minutes before placing them
in the machine.
Hydraulic rinse-aid dispenser
The hydraulic rinse-aid dispenser is activated during each rinsing phase to inject a certain
quantity of rinse-aid into the boiler (1c to 3cc) which is equivalent to a length of about 8ccm to
24cm in the feed tube. The quantity of liquid may be regulated by turning the regulation screw
on the front as shown on (F). If the screw is completely turned in the quantity corresponds to
1cc. When installed for the first time the dispenser must be prepared by filling the feed tube by
continuously pressing the regulation screw.
IMPORTANT: the minimum working pressure, measured at the connection of the water
mains of the appliance during final rinsing (flow pressure) must never be under 1.8Bar
even when other machines or taps are opened on the same water supply line.
Rinsing agent dispenser (if fitted)
During the rinsing stage, the rinsing agent dispenser will be activated to inject the rinsing agent
into the boiler. Before starting the cycle, the dispenser and the associated supply tube must be
filled. So make sure that the cup of the rinsing agent container is full of liquid.
Before starting to use the machine,
Check the water level and its temperature.
Check the rinsing agent level
Check the temperature of the water supply
Check the washing agents (supply tube filled, tank hoes not obstructed)
When filling the wash tank the first time, the water must stop entering when its level is 1cm
from the top level of the overflow plug filter (C2).
Water must be dispended at high pressure, from all the sprayers. The rotary wash (C6) and
rinsing arms (C7) must be free to rotate due to pressure of water.
The washing and rinsing water temperatures must correspond to the temperatures indicated in
paragraph 3 Operating temperatures.
With every wash cycle the dispensers must draw the proper amount of rinsing agent. Check
the level of the liquid in the container and, if necessary, fill it up.
The pump filter must be clean. (C4)
When the wash cycle is finished, the perfectly clean dishes must dry almost instantly by
evaporation the moment the basket is removed from the appliance..
Version 270114