Rügen Steam Loco, 53 Mh
Between 1913 and 1925, the Vulcan
Locomotive Works built three locomoti-
ves for the Rügenschen Kleinbahnen
(Rügen Local Railways) on the Baltic
island of Rügen, where they operated as
51 Mh through 53 Mh. Powerful, rugged
and reliable, two of these locomotives
continue to pull passenger trains
through the picturesque fields and
forests of Rügen.
This detailed replica features:
- weather-resistant construction
- opening cab doors
- four-way power control switch
- protected gearbox with seven-pole
Bühler motor
- eight powered wheels
- one traction tire
- eight power pickups
- digital electronic sound:
- synchronized steam chuffs
- bell and whistle sounds
- brake sounds (with Multi-Train
- air pump, safety valve and steam
- coal shoveling sound (with Multi-Train
- announcement of conductor (with
Multi-Train System)
- volume control
- remote control of sound features (with
Multi-Train System)
- voltage stabilization circuit
- smoke generator
- automatic directional lanterns
- one multi-purpose socket
- length: 355 mm (14.0 in)
- weight: 3700 g (8.2 lb)
Attention! To prevent staining during
shipping, the external drive linkages on
your new LGB locomotive were not lubri-
cated at the factory. For best operation,
lubricate the drive linkages including sli-
ding surfaces, valve guides and drive
rod ends with a small amount of LGB
Maintenance Oil (50019). A small supply
of LGB Oil (yellow) is included.
Operating Modes
This model has a four-way power con-
trol switch mounted inside the cab
(Fig. 1, 2):
Position 0: All power off
Position 1: Power to lights and smoke
Position 2: Power to lights, smoke gene-
rator and motor
Position 3: Power to lights, smoke gene-
rator, motor and sound (fac-
tory pre-set)
Multi-Train System
This model has a direct decoder interfa-
ce. It can be equipped with an LGB
Multi-Train System Decoder (55020).
The Decoder Interface Cable (55026) is
not required.
We strongly recommend decoder instal-
lation by an LGB service station. For
more information, contact your authori-
zed LGB retailer or an LGB service stati-
on (see Authorized Service).
If this model is decoder-equipped, you
can control its sounds with the Multi-
Train System. With a Loco Remote or
Universal Remote, press the numbered
loco function buttons. With an MTS Train
Mouse, press the loco function button
the matching number of times. For
example, to trigger the bell, press button
"2" on the Loco Remote or Universal
Remote. If you are using a Train Mouse,
press the function button twice to trigger
the bell.
1: Whistle
2: Bell
3: Smoke generator on/off
4: Sound on/off