PCI TriManual-Chapters 1-13
Shut Down and Open Computer
1. Shut down your PowerCenter or PowerCenter
Pro. If the computer has been on for any
length of time, wait a few minutes for it to
cool before beginning the installation.
2. Disconnect the power and peripheral cables
from the back of the computer and move it to
an area where you can freely work.
3. With the rear of the computer (Figure 1) facing
you, open your computer by first loosening the
security screw(s) on the back of the case; then,
lift the case cover away from the computer.
4. Identify the internal components of your com-
puter. Touch the power supply metal shielding
(Figure 2) to discharge any potential damaging
static electricity.
Remove Processor Card
Remove the current processor card (Figure 3) from
the Processor Card Slot and set it aside. Be careful!
The metal heatsink on the processor card can get
extremely hot if it has not been given sufficient time
to cool. The location of the processor card varies
with each Power Computing model. For the
PowerCenter, refer to Figure 4-Label A; for the
PowerCenter Pro, refer to Figure 5-Label A. On some
models (usually mini tower and tower systems) you
may need to temporarily remove the support
bracket/fan assembly to reach the processor card.
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security screw
Figure 1; Figura 1
power supply
metal shielding
Figure 2; Figura 2
Processor Card Slot
Figure 3; Figura 3
Processor Card