4. PRATICO adv 10000 UV-C filter --> CASCATA adv 3000 pump
Follow the instructions on page 12-13.
i. Open the pump shell, rotating screws with the spring by 180° and pressing the unlock button, located on the back side of
the pump (for FONTANA adv 1200 pump only).
ii. Remove the pump, the impeller chamber and rotor to perform cleaning
iii. Replace all parts in reverse orde. When re-inserting the rotor, pay attention to its magnetic power in order to avoid any
damage and injury to the fingers.
5. PRATICO adv 15000 UVC filter --> CASCATA adv 4500 pump
Follow the instructions on page 14-17.
i. Open the pump shell, rotating screws with the spring, located on the pump, by 180°.
ii. Remove the pump, unscrew 3 screws located on the impeller chamber, and remove it from its seat.
iii. Remove the rotor with the impeller chamber and clean it.
iv. Re-introduce the rotor with impeller disk in its seat, ensuring that the bushing is positioned correctly on the bottom of the
well. When re-inserting the rotor, pay attention to its magnetic power in order to avoid any damage and injury to the fingers.
v. Turn the impeller disk, paying attention to follow the reference marks placed on the impeller and on motor body of the
pump. (Fig. 88 pag. 14).
vi. Screw the impeller chamber on the pump body again, choosing the desired position. Remember that the CASCATA 4500
pump is equipped with the impeller chamber that can be rotated by y 90°. It allows use of the pump depending on the
requirements (Fig. 89-90 pag. 15).
vii. Put the pump back into the shell, inserting it into the special slides positioned inside. Close the pump with the remaining
shell and fasten the screws.
WARNING: Rotors of FONTANA and CASCATA adv pumps are equipped with a ceramic shaft which is not subject to wear, but is
fragile. Take maximum care when performing maintenance.
1. Filter cleaning
It is necessary to periodically inspect the interior of the box and, if necessary, clean the filter materials under running water to
eliminate residue and grime that have accumulated. Do not use chemical detergents.
For this purpose, proceed as follows:
i. Open the filter body.
ii. Take out the filtering materials and clean them, using only cold running water to prevent harm to microorganisms providing
biological filtration.
iii. Pulire in vano interno del corpo del filtro con un getto d'acqua.
iv. Put the filtering materials back in the filter body, following instruction in Chapter III, paragraphs C1 and C2, depending on
the filter model.
It is recommended to use only original spare parts, because thanks to the special materials these parts ensure safe and long-term
performance of the filter.