TX Series Owners Manual
Storage and Repressurization
For operation in whole house applications, a storage tank is required to store water and then deliver it at a
desired pressure. Two alternatives for storage tanks are available;
Hydro Pneumatic Tank
This tank type is closed and pressurized using an internal air charge to create the
delivery pressure for the stored water.
Atmospheric Tank
An atmospheric tank is closed and includes an air vent so that the water can be added or
removed from the tank without creating pressure. The advantage of this tank type is that
venting eliminates any backpressure on the TX unit, thus increasing the TX system's
operating production and efficiency. When using an atmospheric tank, an external
repressurization pump is used to remove water from the tank and pressurize it throughout
your home.
Post Treatment
With the use of atmospheric tanks, ozonation can be used as a source for continuous disinfection of the
water, or as an added method in the treatment of some contaminants not treated by the TX membrane
system. This includes contaminants such as sulfur as well as some organics.
As an optional disinfection process for the system, a Kinetico UltraV system can be used to provide ultra
violet sterilization to the treated water.
Hydrogen Sulfide Treatment
In applications with significant sulfur concerns (> 5 mg/L) a Hydrogen Sulfide polishing filter can be effectively
used after the TX system to rid the water completely of any residual hydrogen sulfide.
The TX system is effective in removing most everything from the water, but some customers prefer the
consumption of mineralized water. Adding low levels of minerals after the TX will still provide you the benefits
of soft water throughout your home, and the mineral contact will give a bottled water taste to every tap in your
Kinetico Incorporated Corporate Headquarters Newbury, Ohio 44065 440-564-9111
Rev. 11/2016
Product No. 13591E