Model Assembly Continued
Propeller Installation
1. Attach the collet (A), backplate (B), spinner backplate (C) and propeller (D)
to the motor shaft (E) using the spinner nut (F).
IMPORTANT: The propeller size numbers (12 x 8) must face out from the motor
for correct propeller operation.
IMPORTANT: A tool is required to tighten the spinner nut on the collet.
2. Correctly align the spinner (H) and secure it on the collet using
the screw (I).
IMPORTANT: Ensure the spinner is fully connected to the spinner backplate for
safe operation.
When needed, disassemble in reverse order.
Optional Floats Installation
Remove the landing gear from the aircraft.
Tip: If removed, install the wing screws.
2. Turn the latch and remove the retainer from the fuselage slot.
3. Insert the front fl oat strut (as described), then the retainer. Turn the latch
over the slot.
To complete the fl oat set installation, refer to the instructions included with the
optional fl oats (EFLA550, sold separately).
Control Surface Centering
After assembly and transmitter setup, confi rm that the control surfaces are
centered. If the control surfaces are not centered, mechanically center the
control surfaces by adjusting the linkages.
Change the length of the linkage at the servo arm. Loosen or tighten the set
screw on the servo arm using a 1.5mm hex wrench.
IMPORTANT: DO NOT use sub-trim and trim to center control surfaces. The
AS3X system requires sub-trim and trim set at 0.
After binding a transmitter to the aircraft receiver, set the trims and
sub-trims to 0, then adjust the linkages to center the control surfaces.