6.3.4 Other function Commands
Temperature Compensation Group
SENSe:TCOMpensate:STATe <ON|OFF> or <1|0>
Enables or disables the temperature compensation facility.
Temperature compensation is not available in FAST mode. Attempting to set the state "ON"
will generate an "execution error".
Returns "0" (OFF) or "1" (ON).
SENSe:TCOMpensate:MODE <EXT> or <MAN,manual temperature>
Sets the temperature compensation facility to either external Pt100 probe measurement, or to
a fixed temperature, which is entered in the current temperature unit (ºC or ºF). Range is 0 -
100 ºC (32 - 212°F)
Returns "EXT", or "MAN",<manual temperature>.
SENSe:TCOMpensate:COEFficient <CU|AL>or <USER,user coefficient>
Sets the temperature coefficient to Copper, Aluminium or to a user-defined value, which is
entered in ppm/ºC (0 - 9999).
Returns "CU",<fixed copper coefficient>, or "AL",<fixed aluminium coefficient>, or
"USER",<user coefficient>. The coefficients are quoted in ppm/ºC.
Sets the temperature unit to ºCelsius or ºFarenheit.
Returns "CEL" or "FAR".
SENSe:TCOMpensate:REFerence <temperature value>
Sets the reference temperature. This is the temperature to which resistance measurements are
compensated (normally 20ºC). It is entered in the current temperature unit (ºC or ºF). Range
is 0 - 50ºC (32 - 122°F), in integer values of ºC, or the ºF equivalent.
Returns the reference temperature in the current temperature unit.
MGR10 A/B/C Indice : J (version 7.0 du logiciel)