Setting to OFF means that any subsequent READ?, or INIT followed by FETCh?, will take
one reading and send it to the output buffer.
If set to ON, the microhmmeter will perform continuous measurements, which will be
initiated immediately, and FETCh? will send the most recent value to the output buffer. The
measurements can be stopped by setting CONTinuous to OFF.
(For the MGR10A model operating on battery power, continuous mode is not available, and
INITiate:CONTinuous ON will cause an "execution error" to be generated).
Returns "0" (OFF) or "1" (ON).
READ[ FRESistance|TEMPerature|TCOMpensate]?
Triggers and returns a measurement. It is identical to INITiate, followed by FETCh?. See the
FETCh? command above, for use of additional functions.
This command is not available when the CONTinuous triggering mode is "on", nor when
DATAlogging mode is "on", in which cases, an "execution error" will be generated and the
error value returned.
Stops the current measurement and clears the input and output buffers.
ABORt works for RS-232 only. If sent in IEEE-488 mode, it will generate a "command
MGR10 A/B/C Indice : J (version 7.0 du logiciel)